Friday, March 24, 2006


our girl


Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I think I actually saw the reading railroad last night. Unfortunately there was no passing go. Still here ... Not home yet ... miss my family.

Im not a big fan of the uber adjective but I am uber tired. RedEye on the way here ... 'scuse me bartender .. do you know how to make a RedEye.

Beautiful weather this time of year ... cold and rainy. Stormy all over I guess except in houston where the poor astros blew it.

No starbucks in this town and the Dunkin Donuts is out of the way, Did I mention I love being away from my family, fposc. Im staying in what I like to call lynnwood. Everytime I go somewhere I stay in "lynnwood".

fucktoberfest - ridiculously tired in reading


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Morning Sunshine

Dylan found it imperative to get up at 4:30 this morning. She had a stirred a few more times during the night but up and adam was the end result. D was fantastic in taking care of her. Unfortunately I tend to sleep through a lot of it but she does a wonderful job of taking care of dylan and in turn me. I love her.

Dylan foiled us twice this moring, once with the early wakey, and then by hiding the car keys. I think its about time we get some spares.

Harry Potter was great this morning. Again I didn't want to get to work. Good thing I still got here at the crack of dawn so I can go home. Can't wait to go home.

Even though I am passed sunset Im not in the mood for a definition so for lack of creativity

fuck - not in the mood for a definition


Friday, September 16, 2005

Homeward Bound

Im not sure why I get up so early. Some people are the type that pop out of bed 10 mintues before the have to be somewhere. Before I started this blog I had a drank a cup of coffee and still had an hour to go. Maybe I just like to ease into it.

Today is the day I get to go home. Its been a long time this trip and it sucks. I can't wait to be home. Even though she is sort of babbling I have a feeling Dylan will say her first word soon. If she says it while Im gone Im going to quit ... wow pouring outside here in Ohio (has been 90, sunny all week)

I got to go to summit racing last night ... the actual store ... its pretty much the coolest store in the world. I have many a grandeos scheme going on in my head right now related to cars. Im guessing winter time will take care of all of those.

Very interesting mood right now .... Im actually procrastinating but there isn't anything to put off

Its fair weekend for the andersons on sunday, I can not wait for dylan to see the cows, and Im not going to lie a crusty pup is way up there

Fuckron -Akron, Ohio

Friday, July 08, 2005

Thong Song

Blog Bla Bla Bla Blog I love it when you write a blog. That literally just popped into my head I as I was trying to get the search feature to work on Well given the subject of my newly created song I thought it necessary to write in the blog.

Gloomy morning in good ol PNW, the upside is I don't have to mow the the lawn ... the downside is now I will have to and it will be longer. Beauty doesn't come cheap and we have a beautiful house, In fact I can't wait to get back to it to be with my family.

Its been awhile since Ive dropped something off in this blog pool and I blame it all on the travel. I don't have my usual 5 minutes in the morning to say hi ... I guess I should.

I broke the 9430 barrier this week, I got that going for me .... which is nice. Sometimes I think total conscienciousness (how the hell do you spell that word) would be better but it doesn't fit into our world so much.

And now I sit here at line number 16 with writers block ... Which means its time to go and its definition time the downfall to this particular definition time is its been some time since I have came up with a new definition so I literally have to go back through and make sure Im not having de-ja-vu.

fucktacular - getting fucked in a really good way


Wednesday, May 25, 2005


525600 minutes ... How do you measure a year? For that rent nerds that is obviously a rip off. Dylan is going on her 504540 minute birthday and every mintue to date has been absolutely wonderful. I love her. Mom loves her. We love each other.

"This is my beautiful house and this is my beautiful life" I need to get that in digital form so I can to listen to it more often.

Well my back hurts because I got landscaping duty. What a weird place for landscaping, washington.

I think everyone of those minutes was really like 20 seconds because I cannot believe she will be 1yo in 2 weeks. That is pure insanity.

It seems rather inappropriate for my standard definition and Im at a little loss but here goes. Its inspired by a joke

Fuck - The smell of spring time. I mean the smell of hot sticky sex that happens in the spring time.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Hoist up the John B sails ... I don't know the exact words to the song but all I know is I wanna go home. This is a road blog, a mildly weird spot to write it because President Bill Clinton will be sitting in this very spot tomorrow morning. WhiteHouse to Barnes&Noble. Im almost sure thats a downgrade.

I love my family, I miss my family, I wanna go home

FuckedUp - Like being stuffed up but you can't hear because your sinuses are screwed because you got on an airplane with a cold
