Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Daylight Savings

This weekend was daylight savings or return to normal, whichever. Anyway the idea is that you set your clocks ahead 1 hr. WTF is up with that. Im actually torn about 50/50 on whether or not I like it. I like the late night daylight. Makes it really nice to get home with the fam and still have plenty o daylight. Not a fan of the loss of sleep. I adjust pretty fast so its not the end of the world. We might get a nice little benefit with Dylan as she has no need to adjust her schedule, that means that instead of getting up at 6:15 its not 7:15 (sometimes later).

So I had a blog lapse last week but that was due to the travel factor, I guess I screwed it up yesterday as well. I really need to lollygag in the morning when Im on the road. The main reason is that I HATE Fucking EST. I mean 3 hours what is that. Can't do it. Anyway it sucks ass beging away from my girls so the time change really doesn't matter in fact the only thing that matters when Im on the road is coming home, and then there was some bullshit this time about wind in Chicago.

The summer deadline for house projects is starting to show its ugly head. Its sort of a superficial boundary but what can you do. D was a champ yesterday and got a ton done. Its sort of one those serial projects where one thing needs to be done before the other. Its going to be awesome having a pool heater and all of our garden goodies in a shed.

I get to go to the dentist today. Im so excited I could almost barf. I was on a good streak of about 5 years of not going to the dentist and being pain free. Ive since been going to the dentist for about 1.5 - 2 years and I have had the pleasure of handing over 650.00 of my own money and being in the most of excruciating pain of my life, not to mention the constant bullshit hassle of having to go to the dentist.

on that note im out

Fuck - a horsefly



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