Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Im a big lollygagger in the morning. I get up at about 5:20 in the morning and I don't leave until 7:00. I think its partially because I don't want to go to work, especially if the girls are up with me. I mean why leave two beautiful smiling faces for crappy boring work. To top it off this morning is gorgeous.

Don't ask me why but blister in the sun is a feel good song for me. I understand the meaning of the song but I don' t get the blister in the sun portion well maybe I do. There is some dude wandering around the parking lot with a tape measure. I wonder if he would be interested in switching me jobs.

Man Fur. Carry-All. Its European. Genius. Brilliant if your into guiness. Seinfeld this morning was on the top of my list. I forgot about how they all tied together. This one also had the wallet which just makes me laugh about Mr. Kellas because his wallet is literally the same as Georges.

fuckomenon - Like a huge cluster fuck or a great cluster fuck

Big hands you know your the one.



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