Friday, March 25, 2005


Got to get tuff Go Joe. Man is that a phrase my past. Along with that is "And knowing is half the battle"

The basketball game was worthless yesterday. I thought I was kidding when I said we had some march madness hopefuls right in our own building but I guess they could have competed. The game served its purpose though, friends. We got to play with the cheungs and kai looks like a super star with his new buzz cut. Its so fun to watch dylan interact with other kids (gulp) did I say that. Just weird to think that she is a kid and that she plays with other kids. I love her.

She was so cute this morning. Doing a little huckabuck and singing in the crib. Hopefully she gives grandpa a run for his money :)

Todays chads birthday. Thats only important to note in the blog because that means mines coming soon. ewwww. TWENTY NINE. happy birthday chad.

You,Me $6.36 what a great morning

fuckaccia - Its so you can swear and pretend your talking bread



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