Friday, July 08, 2005

Thong Song

Blog Bla Bla Bla Blog I love it when you write a blog. That literally just popped into my head I as I was trying to get the search feature to work on Well given the subject of my newly created song I thought it necessary to write in the blog.

Gloomy morning in good ol PNW, the upside is I don't have to mow the the lawn ... the downside is now I will have to and it will be longer. Beauty doesn't come cheap and we have a beautiful house, In fact I can't wait to get back to it to be with my family.

Its been awhile since Ive dropped something off in this blog pool and I blame it all on the travel. I don't have my usual 5 minutes in the morning to say hi ... I guess I should.

I broke the 9430 barrier this week, I got that going for me .... which is nice. Sometimes I think total conscienciousness (how the hell do you spell that word) would be better but it doesn't fit into our world so much.

And now I sit here at line number 16 with writers block ... Which means its time to go and its definition time the downfall to this particular definition time is its been some time since I have came up with a new definition so I literally have to go back through and make sure Im not having de-ja-vu.

fucktacular - getting fucked in a really good way
